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You can email the FreeSurfer Help mailing list with questions related to your own data processing and troubleshooting. For questions specifically related to any of the above lectures or tutorials, please start your email subject line with "Tutorial Question". That will ensure that your email will make it to our FreeSurfer tutorial support team. The address to email for all questions is: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu. For data-processing help, be sure to attach your recon-all.log file to your email.<<BR>> You can email the FreeSurfer Help mailing list with questions related to your own data processing and troubleshooting. For questions specifically related to any of the above lectures or tutorials, please start your email subject line with "Tutorial Question". That will ensure that your email will make it to our FreeSurfer tutorial support team. The address to email for all questions is: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu. For troubleshooting your data processing, be sure to attach your recon-all.log file to your email.<<BR>>

Suggested Steps for Conducting an at-home FreeSurfer Course

Step 1: Download FreeSurfer For your Computer

Follow the instructions on this page to get FreeSurfer on your personal computer.

Comments on Freeview for Mac users:
1) We highly recommend downloading the standalone Dev version of Freeview to replace the Freeview application in the FreeSurfer v6.0 download package due to incompatabilites with newer macOS operating systems
2) If you would like to use Freeview 6.0, follow these instructions to install a necessary patch

Step 2: Download the tutorial data

Download the tutorial data here (~ 8GB).

Step 3: Test your FreeSurfer Install and Tutorial Data

These are some instructions written by Paul Wighton on how to run a script that will test some of the FreeSurfer tutorial commands on your laptop and ensure your install is working well enough to attempt the tutorials for the course.

FreeSurfer 6 can be downloaded from here: https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pub/dist/freesurfer/6.0.0/freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v6.0.0.tar.gz
More insallation instructions can be found here: https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/DownloadAndInstall
The tutorial data can be downloaded from here: https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pub/data/tutorial_data.tar.gz

On my machine, I stored the downloaded `tar.gz` files in a directory called `/home/paul/lcn/data/fs-course-20200310`.  After extracting the archives I have the following subdirectories in `/home/paul/lcn/data/fs-course-20200310`
- `freesurfer`
- `tutorial_data_20190918_1558`

Next, edit the file `bashrc` in the `tutorial_data_20190918_1558` directory.  (In my case, the full path of that file is `/home/paul/lcn/data/fs-course-20200310/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/bashrc`) and change lines 16 and 19 to match the location of freesurfer and the tutorial data on your machine.

In my case, I edited the lines to read:
- Line 16: `export TUTORIAL_DATA=/home/paul/lcn/data/fs-course-20200310/tutorial_data_20190918_1558`
- Line 19: `export FREESURFER_HOME=/home/paul/lcn/data/fs-course-20200310/freesurfer`

Next, change into the tutorial data directory:

cd /home/paul/lcn/data/fs-course-20200310/tutorial_data_20190918_1558

and test the installation by running:
source bashrc

This may take a while (30 minutes to an hour) and the script will constantly "steal focus" so you will not be able to use your machine while the tests are running.

If at some point, you see:
mean.practice.table (END)

Hit `q` so the script can continue (I had to do this twice)

When you see `colortable with 14176 entries read (originally /autofs/cluster/freesurfer/centos7_x86_64/stable6/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt)` you can hit enter and the script will end.

Step 4: Prepare with the basics

We usually send this page out to students before each course to help them find resources to cover the basics such as: Intro to unix and scripting, intro to neuroanatomy etc.

Step 5: Suggested Schedule (5 days)

  • Which Live Lectures Would You Like to Watch?

For the next two weeks (March 16 - 27), we welcome you to indicate which lectures you would most like to hear/be able to have Q&A sessions on by filling out this GoogleForm. Provided there is enough interest for a particular topic, we will be hosting live lectures and will publish those dates on the schedule below as soon as we know them. Additionally, over the coming few weeks we encourage students to attempt this schedule in their own time and the FreeSurfer team will be available to answer all of your questions and provide hands-on support whenever you need it.

Thank you for your interest ahead of time!

Day 1: Intro to FreeSurfer and Working with the Individual Subject




Relevant Tutorials

Upcoming Live Lectures

Intro to Linux for FreeSurfer Users




Monday March 30th 11:00 - 12:00 EST. Zoom link to be posted later here.

Intro to FreeSurfer Jargon




Intro to FreeSurfer Software




Analyzing the Individual Subject

Part 1, Part 2


Introduction to FreeSurfer Output Tutorial

Intro to Freeview and the working with data

Freeview demonstration


Practice Working with Data

ROI Analysis



ROI Analysis Tutorial

Bonus Talks: Intro to MRI Presentation,Intro to MR Slides, MRI Aquisition Techniques for Morphometry, MRI Acquisition Methods Slides

Day 2: More Structural Processing and Troubleshooting




Relevant Tutorials

Upcoming Live Lectures


Talk, Demo

FreeSurfer Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Tutorial

Longitudinal Analysis


Longitudinal FreeSurfer


An Overview of Registration Methods


An Overview of Registration Methods


Day 3: Group Analysis and Statistics




Relevant Tutorials

Upcoming Live Lectures

Surface-based analysis: Intersubject Registration & Smoothing




Group Analysis

Part 1, Part 2

Group Analysis

Group Analysis Tutorial

Multiple Comparisons


Multiple Comparisons Slides

Multiple Comparisons Tutorial

Day 4: Multimodal Analysis / Diffusion Analysis




Relevant Tutorials

Upcoming Live Lectures

Intro to Diffusion

Part 1, Part 2

Introduction to Diffusion MRI

Diffusion Processing Tutorial

Multi-Modal Integration

Part 1, Part 2

Multi-Modal Integration, Part 1: Registration, Multi-Modal Integration, Part 2: Group Analysis

Multi-Modal Integration Tutorial, Part 1 ,Multi-Modal Integration Tutorial, Part 2

Tracts Constrained by Underlying Anatomy (TRACULA)

Part 1, Part 2


TRACULA Tutorial

Bonus Talks and Slides: Longitudinal TRACULA

Day 5: fMRI Analysis and FSFAST




Relevant Tutorials

Upcoming Live Lectures

Basics of fMRI

Intro to fMRI Talk



Resting State fMRI

Resting State fMRI Presentation

Resting State fMRI Slides



FSFAST Presentation

FSFAST, Part 1: Preprocessing, FSFAST, Part 2: GLM Analysis

FSFAST Tutorial, Part 1, FSFAST Tutorial, Part 2

Bonus Talks and Slides: Structural & Functional Data Integration

Getting the Help and Support you need

You can email the FreeSurfer Help mailing list with questions related to your own data processing and troubleshooting. For questions specifically related to any of the above lectures or tutorials, please start your email subject line with "Tutorial Question". That will ensure that your email will make it to our FreeSurfer tutorial support team. The address to email for all questions is: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu. For troubleshooting your data processing, be sure to attach your recon-all.log file to your email.

Upcoming FreeSurfer courses

If you would like to be notified about upcoming FreeSurfer courses, sign up for the course mailing list.. We host two Boston courses each year, typically in the first week of April and the last week of September.

TeachYourselfFreeSurfer (last edited 2022-11-28 14:31:16 by LiamrSennott)