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LabelsClutsAnnotationFiles . . . 4 matches
...p together when marking up regions on a surface (or in a volume). The programs [[mris_label2annot]] and [[mri_annotation2label]] are used to assemble and disassemble annotation fi...

12.5k - rev: 43 (current) last modified: 2018-09-28 13:42:03

CorticalParcellation . . . 2 matches
...= * [[mris_sample_parc]] - samples a volumetric parcellation onto a surface * [[mris_label2annot]] - creates a .annot file from a set of labels and a colortable, for input to mri...

6.6k - rev: 44 (current) last modified: 2021-04-29 10:56:24

mri_annotation2label . . . 1 match
...dit LW T1 [Load the label] . [Goto the point saved from step 1] = See Also = [[mris_label2annot]], LabelsClutsAnnotationFiles = Reporting Bugs = Report bugs to < analysis-bugs@...

6.9k - rev: 26 (current) last modified: 2017-12-04 12:27:47