Results 1 - 11 of 11 results out of about 3788 pages. (0.93 seconds)

recon-all . . . 4 matches
...called expert.opts is created containing these lines: {{{ mri_em_register -p .5 mris_fix_topology -s 100 }}} then the option "-p .5" will be passed to mri_em_register, and "-s 10...

34.9k - rev: 47 (current) last modified: 2017-12-08 18:23:09

OtherUsefulFlags . . . 3 matches
...nofix ||cp ?h.inflated.nofix ?h.inflated ||?h.inflated || ||?h.qsphere.nofix ||[[mris_fix_topology]] -mgz -sphere qsphere.nofix -ga <subjid> ?h ||?h.orig || ||?h.orig ||[[mris_eul...

29.7k - rev: 135 (current) last modified: 2017-04-25 13:53:01

TopologyFixer . . . 1 match run during recon-all, using the three programs below. === Programs === * [[mris_fix_topology]] * [[mris_euler_number]] * [[mris_remove_intersection]] === Manual Inspecti...

2.3k - rev: 7 (current) last modified: 2018-01-16 16:17:05

ReconAllTableStableV5.3 . . . 1 match
...nofix ||cp ?h.inflated.nofix ?h.inflated ||?h.inflated || ||?h.qsphere.nofix ||[[mris_fix_topology]] -mgz -sphere qsphere.nofix -ga <subjid> ?h ||?h.orig || ||?h.orig ||[[mris_eul...

13.7k - rev: 3 (current) last modified: 2015-05-08 15:10:28

ReconAllTableStableV5.1 . . . 1 match
...nofix ||cp ?h.inflated.nofix ?h.inflated ||?h.inflated || ||?h.qsphere.nofix ||[[mris_fix_topology]] -mgz -sphere qsphere.nofix -ga <subjid> ?h ||?h.orig || ||?h.orig ||[[mris_eul...

13.4k - rev: 7 (current) last modified: 2012-03-26 16:45:23

ReconAllTableStableV5 . . . 1 match
...nofix ||cp ?h.inflated.nofix ?h.inflated ||?h.inflated || ||?h.qsphere.nofix ||[[mris_fix_topology]] -mgz -sphere qsphere.nofix -ga <subjid> ?h ||?h.orig || ||?h.orig ||[[mris_eul...

13.4k - rev: 3 (current) last modified: 2012-03-26 16:47:16

ReconAllStableTablev4 . . . 1 match
...0E0FF'>?h.inflated|| ||<bgcolor='#E0E0FF'>?h.qsphere.nofix||<bgcolor='#E0E0FF'>[[mris_fix_topology]] -mgz -sphere qsphere.nofix -ga <subjid> ?h||<bgcolor='#E0E0FF'>?h.orig|| ||<bg...

15.1k - rev: 8 (current) last modified: 2012-03-26 16:47:44

ReconAllDevTable . . . 1 match
...nofix ||cp ?h.inflated.nofix ?h.inflated ||?h.inflated || ||?h.qsphere.nofix ||[[mris_fix_topology]] -mgz -sphere qsphere.nofix -ga <subjid> ?h ||?h.orig || ||?h.orig ||[[mris_eul...

18.2k - rev: 277 (current) last modified: 2017-02-17 11:53:55

LongitudinalProcessing45 . . . 1 match
...{{NoRandomness = 1}}} (always use same seed for RNG). Affects [[mris_smooth]], [[mris_fix_topology]], [[mris_topo_fixer]], [[mris_sphere]], and [[mris_ca_label]]) === Input (-i) ...

14.8k - rev: 7 (current) last modified: 2011-04-18 13:09:05

LongitudinalProcessing . . . 1 match
...{{NoRandomness = 1}}} (always use same seed for RNG). Affects [[mris_smooth]], [[mris_fix_topology]], [[mris_topo_fixer]], [[mris_sphere]], and [[mris_ca_label]]) === Input (-i) ...

19.3k - rev: 74 (current) last modified: 2021-05-03 07:53:08

FreeSurferCommands . . . 1 match
..._tessellate]] * [[mris_smooth]] * [[mris_inflate]] * [[mris_sphere]] * [[mris_fix_topology]] * [[mris_make_surfaces]] * [[mris_surf2vol]] * [[mris_register]] * [[m...

1.7k - rev: 23 (current) last modified: 2011-09-19 15:19:48