[[FsTutorial|top]] | [[FsTutorial/LongitudinalTutorial|Longitudinal Tutorial]] == Longitudinal Tutorial Preparations == If you are taking one of the formally organized courses, everything has been set up for you on the provided laptop. Go back to the [[FsTutorial/LongitudinalTutorial|Longitudinal Tutorial]] page. If you are '''NOT''' taking one of the formally organized courses, then to follow this exercise exactly be sure you've downloaded the [[FsTutorial/Data|tutorial data set]] before you begin. If you choose not to download the data set you can follow these instructions on your own data, but you will have to substitute your own specific paths and subject names. These are the commands that you need to run before getting started: {{{ ## bash export TUTORIAL_DATA= export SUBJECTS_DIR=$TUTORIAL_DATA/long-tutorial cd $SUBJECTS_DIR ## tcsh source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh setenv TUTORIAL_DATA setenv SUBJECTS_DIR $TUTORIAL_DATA/long-tutorial cd $SUBJECTS_DIR }}} Notice the command to open tcsh. If you are already running the tcsh command shell, then the 'tcsh' command is not necessary. If you are not using the tutorial data you should set your {{{SUBJECTS_DIR}}} to the directory in which the recon(s) of the subject(s) you will use for this tutorial are located.