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mri_surf2surf- This program will resample one surface onto another.

The source and target subjects can be any subject in $SUBJECTS_DIR and/or the icosahedron (ico). The source and target file formats can be anything supported by mri_convert. The source format can also be a curvature file or a paint (.w) file. The user also has the option of smoothing on the surface.



Optional Flagged Arguments

--srcsubject subjectname

Name of source subject

As found in $SUBJECTS_DIR or ico for icosahedron. The input data must have been sampled onto this subject's surface (eg, using mri_vol2surf)

--srcsurfval sourcefile

Name of file where the data on the source surface is located.

--src_type typestring

Format type string

Can be either curv (for FreeSurfer curvature file), paint or w (for FreeSurfer paint files), or anything accepted by mri_convert. If no type string is given, then the type is determined from the sourcefile (if possible). If curv is used, then the curvature file will be looked for in $SUBJECTS_DIR/srcsubject/surf/hemi.sourcefile.

--trgsubject subjectname

Name of target subject as found in $SUBJECTS_DIR or ico for icosahedron.

||--trgicoorder order ||Icosahedron order number. || This specifies the size of the

|| --trgsurfval targetfile


|| --trg_type typestring

--hemi hemifield

(lh or rh)

||--surfreg registration_surface || ||If the source and target subjects are not the same, this surface is used to register the two surfaces. sphere.reg is used as the default. Don't change this unless you know what you're doing. ||

|| --mapmethod methodname || Method used to map from the vertices in one subject to those of another. || Legal values are: nnfr (neighest-neighbor, forward and reverse) and nnf

nsmooth-in niterations , nsmooth-out niterations [note: same as --smooth]

Number of smoothing iterations.

||--frame framenumber || || When using paint/w output format, this specifies which frame to output. This

||--noreshape || || By default, mri_surf2surf will save the output as multiple


Example 1

mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --srcsubject bert


Resample a subject's thickness of the left cortical hemisphere on to a

Example 2

mri_surf2surf --hemi rh --srcsubject ico

description Resample data on the icosahedron to the right hemisphere of subject bert.


When the output format is paint, the output file must be specified with


FreeSurfer, FsFast

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to <> Make sure


DouglasGreve, Ph.D., MGH-NMR Center (