= How to insert an image into a wiki page = This page describes the steps for inserting an image into a wiki page. You could figure this out from the official wiki instructions but it's less than obvious. ||<#D0D0D0>'''Step'''||<#D0D0D0>'''Description'''|| ||<^>Upload a jpg or gif image|| * Use the '''!AttachFile''' link in the '''Actions''' section of the wiki menu.<
> * Give it a name that's unique amongst attachments for this page, say 'myimage.gif. <
> * If you uploaded images for this page previously, the '''!AttachFile''' page shows you a list to remind you.|| ||<^>Return to page you were editing||After uploading the file, the Wiki again presents you with the Attachments page, now listing the file you uploaded.<
> * You can copy the text {{{"attachment:myimage.gif"}}} to be ready for the next step.<
> * You can click the "Clear message" link near the top of the page to return to the page you were editing.|| ||<^>Insert image link in your wiki page||This has to follow the format:<
>{{{attachment:myimage.gif}}}|| ||<^>Example, as seen in editor||{{{Blah blah blah blah attachment:myimage.gif blah blah blah }}}||