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=== Experiment design === [[BR]] === Experiment design ===



FS-FAST USE CASE 1: fMRI Sorkflow for Reasoning Study

Experiment design

The experiment consists of 3 active conditions (+baseline), referred to as V, T and P.BR The task consists in solving visually presented problems in each of these conditions. Subjects respond using a button box.BR The paradigm is presented in 6 consecutive runs, each lasting 300s. In each run, two of the three conditions are shown to minimize subject confusion, and increase statistical power**. The runs consist of BR Run 1: T-P BR Run 2: T-V BR Run 3: P-V BR Run 4: T-P BR Run 5: T-V BR Run 6: P-V BR This alternation allows for similar scanner drift effects across the different pairings of the conditions (i.e. tentatively the same “amount” of drift occurs between runs 1 and 4 and 2 and 5, assuming drift is linear). Within each run, the plates are presented using a pseudo-randomized (order the same for all subjects, but only known to the experimenter) event-related paradigm. Each plate presentation is considered an event, which can last between 1 and 10s, as the plate disappears when the subject responds or times out after 10 seconds (at which point the paradigm goes on by itself). In-between plates, a fixation cross is shown with a random ISI ranging from 1500 to 3500ms in 250ms steps. Every 6 plates, the fixation cross is held for a longer time, in order to match the total run duration across subjects**IS THIS NECESSARY? WHY? IS THERE A BETTER WAY TO GO ABOUT IT THAN MY 'catchup times'?. Thus, the 7th plate appears at t=75s, the 13th at t=150s and the 19th at t=225s. The total run time of 5minutes is therefore the same as if all plates timed out (10x24 + 2.5x24 = 300). BR The PAR files look like this: BR Init_time condition_nb duration condition_name BR 0 0 2.5178 baseline BR 2.5178 2 2.3427 perceptual BR 4.8605 0 3.2763 baseline BR 8.1368 3 2.1638 verbal BR 10.3006 0 2.5216 baseline BR 12.8222 2 2.5746 perceptual BR 15.3968 0 2.0273 baseline BR

UseCase1 (last edited 2008-04-29 11:46:12 by localhost)