#acl LcnGroup:admin,read,write,delete,revert All:read [[Download|top]] = FreeSurfer Release Notes = These Release Notes cover what's new in a release, and known issues. See [[PreviousReleaseNotes|previous release notes]] for older versions. == Stable v6.0 == '''''Date: TBD''''' === What's New === * Brain networks (cognitive components) estimated from 10449 Experiments and 83 tasks in the Brainmap database are released in MNI152 and fsaverage space: * Wikipage: [[BrainmapOntology_Yeo2015]] * There are three sets of data (networks+auxiliary information) that are released: (1) Probability that a task would recruit a component (csv files), (2) Probability that a component would activate a voxel/vertex, (3) quantitative measures of functional specificity and flexibility (i.e., whether a voxel/vertex specializes for a specific cognitive component or supports multiple components). * The volumetric maps + csv files are found in average/Yeo_Brainmap_MNI152/. See Yeo_Brainmap_MNI152_README in directory for more details. * The surface maps are found in the subjects/fsaverage/label directory. See Yeo_Brainmap_fsaverage_README in directory for more details. * Substructure Segmentation: * New hippocampal subfields generation - See HippocampalSubfields * New brainstem substructures generation - See BrainstemSubstructures * Longitudinal: * New dedicated longitudinal pipeline for subfield segmentation - See LongitudinalHippocampalSubfields * New longitudinal pipeline for tractography * Fix for time point addition (see bug in 5.3) * Matlab Linear Mixed Effects Tools: * Updated Matlab LME tools to newer Matlab versions * Allow missing Parallel Toolbox (process sequentially) * minor improvements to F-test * recon-all now produces aseg.mgz (subcortical atlas) with Hi-Res data (<1mm). the -hires flag is still necessary to include with recon-all when hi-res data is input. changes to mri_normalize, mri_em_register and mri_watershed were made to support this feature. * Improved accuracy of ?h.cortex.label * Improved prevention of surfaces from crossing into the contralateral hemisphere * Adding the 'fs_update' script which allows users to update binaries or other elements of the freesurfer installation. * Adding the 'fs_tutorial_data' script which provides a means for downloading the data for completing the Self:Tutorials. * bbregister now uses the FS mri_coreg program by to initialize BBR. FSL or SPM/matlab are no longer needed. mri_coreg is based on spm_coreg and gives very similar results as to when spmregister is run. * mri_fdr -- command line program to compute and apply the false discovery rate algorithm === Known Issues ===