U-Shape Bundle Analysis

Note: all of the source code can be found on the "dmri" branch on the Freesurfer Github page. The link can be found here: https://github.com/freesurfer/freesurfer/tree/dmri/anatomicuts

How to Run

Note by running the executable with no parameters will also give information on how to run the program

Full Program

Usage: ./runProject.sh <Patient File> <OPTION: DTI>

DTI is an option that allows more metrics about the FA values to be outputted based on 4 volumes

If specific files are wanted to be used or files cannot be found, run the programs individually (read below)


Group by Endpoints

Usage: ./groupByEndpoints -s <streamlineFile> -i <imageFile> -d <outputDirectory>

The program will take in a streamline file and an image file, cluster the streamlines, and output TRK files to the output directory

Extract Surface Measurements