U-Shape Bundle Analysis

Note: all of the source code can be found on the "dmri" branch on the Freesurfer Github page. The link can be found here: https://github.com/freesurfer/freesurfer/tree/dmri/anatomicuts

How to Use


DTI is an option that allows more metrics about the FA values to be outputted, however the required files must be in the proper location. Check file requirements below.

File System Requirements

Requires a subject's file to look like this:

Examples of Subjects

4 Main Folders

Within DMRI Folder

For DTI, the folder must look like this:

Within DTI Folder

Please note that the file names are case sensitive for the surface and volumes

== Output ==

In the terminal, it will output all of the file names that it will be using.


Terminal Output

Also, within the dmri.ac file, there will be a folder named u-shape. Within that folder will contain two folders, clusters and measures. The clusters folder will contain TRK files and be named after the region that the u-shape fibers connect.

U-Shape Folder

Clusters Folder

The measures folder will contain CSV files with the thickness and curvature at the start and end points of a streamline. If the option DTI was used, it will include the mean FA and standard deviation for the 4 files.

Measures Folder

CSV Folder