This is very similar to the first example; it just uses volumes instead of surfaces. This script loads an intensity volume as a background image and then successively loads a series of segmentation overlays, taking a screen shot of each one. This assumes all files are in the local directory. {{{ set err [catch { # Load an LUT file for the segementation to use. Get its ID. Set # its label to something good. set lutID [MakeNewColorLUT] SetColorLUTFileName $lutID [file join $env(FREESURFER_HOME) jeans_labels.txt] SetColorLUTLabel $lutID "Hires LUT" # Load base level. The LoadVolume commmand makes a new layer in # it, and automatically adds it to the current view at the first # available draw level, 0. Give it a label. set fnBaseVolume intensity_target.mgz set baseLayerID [LoadVolume $fnBaseVolume 1 [GetMainFrameID]] SetLayerLabel $baseLayerID "Base volume" # Load the first segmentation volume, making a layer for it and # adding to the next available draw level, 1. Save the layer # ID. Also get the data collection ID as we will use that later to # change the volume data to which the collection is pointing. set nVol 0 set fnSegVol [format "hires_a256nl_%03d.mgz" $nVol] set layerID [LoadVolume $fnSegVol 1 [GetMainFrameID]] set colID [Get2DMRILayerVolumeCollection $layerID] # Set up the layer as a segmentation volume: lut color map, draw # zero values clear, and assign the LUT we got earlier. Give it a # label. Set2DMRILayerColorMapMethod $layerID lut Set2DMRILayerDrawZeroClear $layerID true Set2DMRILayerColorLUT $layerID $lutID SetLayerLabel $layerID "Segmentation Overlay" # Set a location in the view. SetViewRASCenter 0 28 22 -40 SetViewZoomLevel 0 2 # For each volume... for { set nVol 0 } { $nVol <= 84 } { incr nVol } { # Generate a volume file name using our base name and the number. set fnSegVol [format "hires_a256nl_%03d.mgz" $nVol] # Set the volume file name in the collection to this new # volume and tell the collection to load the volume. SetVolumeCollectionFileName $colID $fnSegVol SetStatusBarText "Loading $fnSegVol..." LoadVolumeFromFileName $colID # Force a window update. UpdateFrame [GetMainFrameID] # Take a screen shot. set fnCapture [format "capture-%04d.tiff" $nVol] CaptureFrameToFile [GetMainFrameID] $fnCapture } } sResult] # Check for errors. if { 0 != $err } { ::tkcon_tcl_puts "Script failed: $sResult" } else { ::tkcon_tcl_puts "Script complete." } }}}