= OpenNeuro = [[https://openneuro.org/|OpenNeuro]] is a free and open platform for analyzing and sharing neruoimaging data developed by the Stanford Center For Reproducible Neuroscience. The !FreeSurfer BIDS app on this platform runs recon-all on datasets with the longitudinal pipeline and study specific template estimation on the cloud for free. '''Note:''' You must request your own !FreeSurfer license to run !FreeSurfer on !OpenNeuro. [[https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/registration.html |Follow this link to request a license key]] == Additional Links == [[https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds000108/versions/3030303130382d3030303031?app=FreeSurfer&version=17 |FreeSurfer Example Analysis]] [[https://github.com/BIDS-Apps/freesurfer |Additional FreeSurfer BIDS App Information]] [[https://openneuro.org/faq |OpenNeuro Frequently Asked Questions]]