= Coding Guide = <> This page is a loose collection of various coding guides and tips for FreeSurfer programmers. == VTK cvs commit Guidelines and Coding Standards == VTK has excellent [[http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK_cvs_commit_Guidelines|cvs commit guidelines]] and [[http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK_Coding_Standards|coding standards]], the following of which is highly recommended when working with the FreeSurfer code. == Code format style == * Consistent usage of either ANSI-style or GNU-style braces. * Do not use tabs. Setup your editor to convert tabs to spaces. * 2 spaces per indent (tab). * Do not exceed 80 characters per line. * Delete trailing whitespace from end of line. The script [[attachment:~nicks/bin/do-astyle-onefile]] will reformat a file to these conventions, making use of the [[http://astyle.sourceforge.net/|'astyle' utility]]. == MRI Cheat Sheet == [[DevelopersGuide/CodingGuide/MRICheatSheet|MRI cheat sheet]] Ever wonder when you should use MRIcopy() vs MRIclone()? DougGreve has drawn up a little cheat sheet for some of these MRI functions. == Naming Conventions == [[DevelopersGuide/CodingGuide/NamingConventions|A page of naming convention suggestions.]]