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Example: Use gunzip to decompress these downloads, ie.:
gunzip mri_deface-v1.22-Linux64.gz
cp mri_deface-v1.22-Linux64.gz mri_deface
chmod a+x mri_deface
gunzip talairach_mixed_with_skull.gca.gz
gunzip face.gca.gz
Then, example usage, using your orig.mgz:

Automated Defacing Tools


Note: A license file is no longer necessary to use these tools:

Use gunzip to decompress these downloads, ie.:

gunzip mri_deface-v1.22-Linux64.gz
cp mri_deface-v1.22-Linux64.gz mri_deface
chmod a+x mri_deface
gunzip talairach_mixed_with_skull.gca.gz
gunzip face.gca.gz

Then, example usage, using your orig.mgz:

mri_deface orig.mgz talairach_mixed_with_skull.gca face.gca orig_defaced.mgz

AutomatedDefacingTools (last edited 2022-08-05 14:31:35 by DougGreve)