
AnatomiCuts correspondences

This method finds corresponding clusters across subjects. Currently, only one-to-one cluster's correspondences are available using the Hungarian algorithm.

The Hungarian algorithm

The Hungarian algorithm finds corresponding clusters between two subjects.

AnatomiCuts_correspondences -s1 segmentation1.nii.gz -s2 segmentation2.nii.gz -c numClusters -h1 clusteringPath1  -h2 clusteringPath2 -m metric -o output.csv


-s1 the segmentation to be used for anatomical similarity in subject one.

-s2 the segmentation to be used for anatomical similarity in subject one.

-h1 the path to the AnatomiCuts folder to be used for subject1.

-h2 the path to the AnatomiCuts folder to be used for subject2.

-m metric to be used: labels (anatomical similarity) or euclid (euclidean similarity).

-sym (under development) this flag will mirror the segmentation in subject 2 to find between hemisphere correspondences.

-o output csv file
